Torment Wiki
PsT Schatten


PsT Hoher Schatten

Hoher Schatten

PsT Wahrer Schatten

Wahrer Schatten

Schatten sind ein Gegnertypus aus Planescape: Torment.


Schatten sind die Phantomabbilder verstorbener Ebenen-Bewohner, die ihr Leben geben mussten, damit der Namenlose unsterblich sein kann. Daher verfolgen sie den Namenlosen, um sich an ihm zu rächen.[1][2] Sie werden vom Transzendenten aus der Festung der Reue heraus gesteuert, um den Namenlosen und seine Unterstützer (z.B. Pharod) zu töten.[3]


Es gibt drei Typen, in aufsteigendem Stärkegrad:

  • Schatten
  • Hoher Schatten
  • Wahrer Schatten


  1. Ravel: „You cast shadows on existence, Nameless One. With every death, a shadow arises fresh from the fields of your flesh. They a-wander for a time, but always they a-return, looking to murder their parent. Such is the way of many offspring…
  2. Trias: „They are the souls of those who died in your place. They have become shadows that you may live. They are your shadows, the shades you cast upon existence, and they will find you, wanderer, and they will make you suffer for their torments. You will receive your due at their hands, you and those who are foolish enough to accompany you.
  3. Der Namenlose: „Why did you send shadows to kill me rather than trying to defeat me yourself?
    Der Transzendente: „I send shadows because their reach is long. yet it is my eyes that guide them.